We, 16 SSCJ out of 18, two sisters are studying, gathered together for a regional assembly from June 19 to 20, 2020.
After having marked the solemnity of the Sacred Heart, on June 19, with a Eucharistic celebration with apostolic workers from the zone of Garoua along with a few lay persons, we came together as SSCJ with Father NANI Raymond, Oblate of Mary Immaculate, on Saturday and Sunday.
We began by taking time to share and bring together what we had been reflecting on in community.
During our meetings, four main points drew our attention:
- An evaluation of community and apostolic life with the completion of the pastoral year.
- Discussion of the Encyclical “Laudato Si” that speaks of protecting the planet, so that we can come up with a common activity within the Region. So, we agreed as a group to plant trees, in a timely fashion, in the concession of the Regional House of the SSCJ of Garoua, and next October we will come up with a common direction to bring us further in applying the Encyclical.
- The third point focused on on-going formation with the theme: “The joy of being a Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the values connected with this vocation.” The theme was presented by Father Raymond NANI. Each of us was invited to share on that which gives us joy in our lives and in our religious consecration. The sharing was very rich.
We lived deep moments of fraternity: saying goodbye to Sister Marie-Thérèse NIGET, who after 30 years of missionary presence in the Region of North Cameroon has decided to return permanently to her native country of France.
At the end of the assembly, the Region expressed their gratitude to Sr. Marie-Thérèse for everything she has done for the growth of the mission in North Cameroon, especially for what she has done for each one of us. Sr. Marie-Thérèse, have a good trip and we wish you well in your new missionary insertion.
United in the Heart of Jesus.
Sisters of the Region of Cameroon