It is with joy that we share with you in these few lines what we lived during the August 20 and 21, 2021 celebrations, marked by PRAYER and lots of JOY.
On August 20, 2021, Sister Marie and Sister Jacqueline celebrated
25 years of religious life at the Regional chapel. Their co-sisters and the members of their families gathered around them.
Father SOLOFO (Trinitarian) presided over the Eucharist, accompanied by two priests from the parish.
During the Eucharistic celebration, each of the two sisters witnessed to what they have lived over the last 25 years. After the Eucharist, we shared a meal together in the big room of the formation house.
The atmosphere was magnificent, with animations, traditional dances, and everyone’s participation: sisters, family, associates, and young women in formation.
The next day, on Saturday, August 21, we celebrated
together the perpetual vows of Sisters Hortense and Cécile at the Holy Family Parish of Ambohimena. Mgr. FIDELIS, Bishop of Ambositra presided over the Eucharist accompanied by Father Jean de la Croix – Moderator of the parish – and Father Georges of the diocese of Ambositra.
Sisters Cécile, Dorothée and Hortense
The celebration was simple and prayerful, like the previous evening. The festive meal was held in the yard of the formation house.
We wish that this family gathering, held in joy and prayer, will help us advance in our mission as we follow the Charism of our Congregation.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus sustain us!
Smooth sailing to you all!
Sister Jeanne Merline