Each year, for about the last ten years, a garage sale is organized on May 1st at the Mother House in Saint
Jacut. This year was a great success! There was a big turnout in the morning thanks to a little help from the local media.
Nolwenn Huchet, a journalist with the newspaper, Les Infos des pays de Vilaine, had written a nice article publicizing the event.
Then Theo Boche, another young journalist with France Bleue Armorique, discovered this article in his press review, and came to interview us on Sunday afternoon. Several people told us they had heard of the garage sale on this radio station.
During the day, we also benefitted from a little free attraction with the visit of Mrs. X and “Rosalie”, her parrot. They walk together for particular causes, one being to raise funds for children with rare diseases.
A big thank you to our two journalists for giving us such great publicity!
Sisters Nicole and Béatrice, SSCJ