The Mission Awareness Office of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, TX invited our congregation to participate in the Mission Cooperative Plan. I submitted the application for our new Cameroon Health Center. I was assigned nine parishes:
three large parishes in San Antonio, two parishes at the San Antonio Missions and four parishes out-of-town. I contacted the pastors and scheduled parish visits from mid-June to the end of August. Before each Sunday, I prayed to Angélique
for protection from Covid since I would be interacting with many persons. I attended from four to seven Masses in each parish. I made a five-minute presentation after Communion about our Congregation, Cameroon, and the Angélique le Sourd Integrated Health Center. A second collection was taken up
for the project. The parishioners were very generous, even though some parishes were economically impacted with Covid. One parish in Del Rio, TX had eighteen funerals in two weeks in May where I made a presentation in June. I was deeply
touched by the generosity of the people and by the many persons who thanked us for our dedication and service to the poor. The mission appeal will provide over $28,000 towards the project.
Sister Marjorie Vincik, SSCJ