News from the Health Care Center in Ngong, North Cameroon

The community of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Ngong (Cameroon) and the staff of the "Centre de Santé Intégré Angélique le Sourd" are happy to greet you at the beginning of this new year and give you some news. The Integrated Health Center has been functioning since January 10, 2022. Indeed, we, the health care professionals who work here, welcome patients who come from various horizons. After 12 months of operation without any extra activities, we believe that the reputation of the Center…

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An experience in the Philippines

The IFRS, where I study in Quezon City, offers us religious education and theology courses with such an organization, that the student can open up to various fields, based on four pillars: contextual, integrative, inclusive and transformational. To help the student situate himself in the realities that the poor and marginalized areas of the Philippines face, and to provide him with the context for his theological studies, the IFRS holds "special days" every year in early August. All students are required to participate in these days. We…

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Interfaith gathering in Paris

20 Christians, 20 Muslims, 20 Jews at the Arab World Institute in Paris     Leaders from 3 communities, Christian, Muslim and Jewish from Agglomération de Saint Quentin in Yvelines, decided to meet the challenge of bringing 20 members from their respective communities to visit together, the magnificent exposition “Jews from the East”. This was a lovely fraternal initiative including a sharing about different periods of our common history, inviting us to build today with a better understanding and experience of each other as friends. Over the…

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In solidarity with our missions

  The Mission Awareness Office of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, TX invited our congregation to participate in the Mission Cooperative Plan. I submitted the application for our new Cameroon Health Center. I was assigned nine parishes: three large parishes in San Antonio, two parishes at the San Antonio Missions and four parishes out-of-town. I contacted the pastors and scheduled parish visits from mid-June to the end of August. Before each Sunday, I prayed to Angélique for protection from Covid since I would be interacting with many…

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