Take time … to compose and sing in PNG!

Dear Friends: At the beginning of the year, I sent out an invitation for people to participate in a song competition with the theme, "Baptized and Sent".  I received this song, inspired by the prayer for the Extraordinary Missionary Month 2019 that was sent to me by Sr. Joanna Sava, sscj (Madang-Megiar).  She wrote the words and composed the melody.  The music is played by Mr. Arnold from the Holy Spirit Cathedral and by her friends. With Sr. Joanna's permission, it is with joy that I share…

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Saved, thanks to the Website!

In May, a message was sent to me via the website of our congregation.  It was signed by a member of a parish association for the support of refugees.  This association – that I didn't know about – was looking for people who might be able to help this woman build her dossier by finding essential documents in Douala (South-West Cameroon). http://paroisse-stjeanpaul2-35.catholique.fr/solidarite-et-mouvements/solidarite/article/tabgha-solidarite “The association Tabgha Solidarity also made a commitment to welcome a young woman from Cameroon (…) After travelling 8 months through Africa, the Mediterranean and…

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Final Vows in Madagascar

« God is Love » On August 24, the Region of Madagascar had the joy of celebrating the final vows of Sister Jeanne Marie Merline. During the celebration held the evening before, Jeanne gave her testimony and her parents gave her their blessing. The mass of the 24th was held at the Holy Family parish in Ambohimena, Antirabique. It was presided over by Monseigneur Marcellin, the Bishop of Fénérive, who was accompanied by 11 priests.   The mass of the 24th was held at the Holy Family…

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