Entrance to the postulancy in Madagascar

Septembre 29, 1828, anniversary of the first profession of our foundresses. In Madagascar, this anniversary was marked by the entrance of two young women to the postulancy, Faniry and Arlette. This took place during the Eucharistic celebration in the chapel of the Regional house in Antsirabé. We entrust them to the God of tenderness and mercy and to Our Lady of Pont d’Arz. We wish them a good year of discernment, while they live within the postulancy community.  

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Goodbye to Fr. Bocquené

Keep alive the remembrance of the Lord; hold in our heart the memory of his wonders! He arrived in 1988. For twenty years he walked up and down our hallways, we ran into him on the stairs, a discreet presence, expressing a life given to the mission that was entrusted to him: being the assistant of the Chaplain of our Mother House in St. Jacut.  Who are we talking about? Father René Bocquené, the brother of our dear sister Maria. For 23 years he took on this…

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Death of Sr. Aline Champagne

It is with regret that we inform you of the death of Sr. Aline Champagne of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at St. Isidore, Ontario, on the 25th of September, 2019, at the age of 94 years and 7 months.  In addition to the many years that she gave to teaching, Sr. Aline was, (sometimes simultaneously): pedagogical advisor on different school boards and at the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa; worked in collaboration with the Provincial Office of…

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Entrance into the novitiate

    Cordelia, Christiana, Flavie, Célestine, Norine       On Friday, September 27, 2019, five young women from Cameroon/Nigeria and Madagascar began their novitiate in Paris, France to prepare themselves to be Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This event took place during the Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Stephane Major, parish priest of Notre Dame des Otages located in the 20th district of Paris. We assure them of our prayers. May the God of tenderness and mercy be their guiding light.  

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