Sleeping St. Joseph

Have you ever noticed how Joseph always received messages from God while he was asleep? Although Mary welcomed the Angel's message while wide awake (Lk 1:28), Joseph got his messages in a dream, whether about the divine conception of Jesus (Mt 1:20), the escape into Egypt (Mt 2:13) or the return to Nazareth (Mt 2:19). There seems to be a special grace connected with Joseph's sleep. While he was passive, the Lord’s light surrounded Joseph. He saw very clearly what path his life would now take and…

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The Associates in Cameroon get organized

As part of the implementation of the Orientations of the 2019 Chapter, the Cameroon Associates have taken the initiative to set up a Solidarity Health Fund. This fund, which will be built up with contributions from the Associates, will provide mutual aid in the event of one of the Associates contracting a severe illness. The Statutes and Rules of Procedure were presented to the General Council. Congratulations for the dynamism and wish for solidarity lived concretely within the group of Associates!   Esperanza n°3 - March 2020…

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Entering Lent – Window on Social Justice

Lent is a privileged time that invites us to become signs of hope for our world. Please click on the link below. Window on Social Justice 2020 Article 45 At the beginning of his encyclical, Laudato Si, Pope Frances calls us forth: "I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet." L.S. N° 14                               Comité Justice sociale sscj (Canada)

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Another one hundredth birthday at the Mother House

Last March the 2nd, Sister Marie-Joseph Duchesne celebrated her 100th birthday at the Mother House. A day she herself prepared and wanted to have as a "day of thanksgiving to God". It was a sunny day that began with a festive Eucharistic celebration: music, singing, full participation. At the end of the celebration Sr. Marie-Jo made her way to the room where wine was being served. This cup of wine, taken in friendship, reunited many sisters, the staff of the house who accompany our more dependent sisters,…

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