Global day of prayer for climate: May 24th

Within the context of Laudato si’ week, , The Christian Catholic Movement for Climate invites everyone in the world to be part of a Global Day of Prayer on May 24th at twelve noon. A prayer for the earth might be said with our brothers and sisters of other religions to make it a more valuable experience.   Prayer suggestions are available: In French, a different prayer is offered:

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Chaos waits for a word of inspiration

The pandemic has forced almost all of humanity to live in lockdown. This unprecedented experience gives us the picture of a world ground to a halt. The silencing of human activity breathes new life into nature and the universe, as if creation was being rearranged. In fact, lockdown has emptied our cities, our neighbourhoods. You can't help but think of the passage in Genesis: "Now the earth was a formless void" Gn. 1:2. Gradually a new state of order is being put in place. As a result,…

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A miracle for Mount Sacred Heart School!

The miracle truly happened! Mount Sacred Heart School was sold to the foundation established by Renee Benson, an alumnus of MSH, and an agreement was established with the Archdiocese of San Antonio to lease the school. Unfortunately, the shelter in place order will not allow us to celebrate the school’s 90th Anniversary nor its transfer: because of the pandemic, classes will not resume until September. Even so, hearts are filled with thanksgiving as we accompany the Sisters in the USA at this turning point in their history.…

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A lovely surprise at the Mother House!

A lovely surprise came for all the sisters at the Mother House on this April 20th! Some lilies of the valley from one of our employee’s garden, some flower pots waiting for new life, and, as with the stroke of a magic baton, some expert hands got to work to place little bouquets all around the house: on the dining room tables, in the living areas, in the bedrooms of those sisters who are confined. Thank you to the employees for this delicate gesture. Another surprise arrived…

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