My Mission at 49 rue Mutchmore

Just finished helping a man in my building to register on-line for a family Doctor.  He said he didn’t have the patience to do it himself.  It is these kinds of things that I find myself doing in the building where I live.  Sometimes it is as simple as picking up a few groceries or changing a light bulb.  Other times it involves doing a bit of pastoral ministry and talking about forgiveness with a man who spent most of his life working on merchant ships.  For…

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Fed by light

Chlorophyll allows light energy to be transformed into glucose from carbon monoxide (CO) and water.  So, in a way, plants are nourished by light.  Human beings are also called to be nourished by light.  And the light has been given to us in Christ.  Christ himself is nourished by the will of his Father, “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me” Jn. 4:34. However, we need to make a real effort to let the light nourish us- because in today’s world…

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A Sunday like no other!

The group “LIFE of GOD” that spent the weekend at Bethany facilitated and shared in the Eucharistic celebration held at the Mother House on Sunday, October 25. At the beginning of mass, a member of the group said a few words about themselves: this group has its origin in the “Youth – Light” School of Prayer and Evangelization that was founded in 1984 by Daniel-Ange* accompanied by Father Marie-Michel and three couples.   “Youth–Light” rests on four pillars: Prayer Fraternal Life Formation Mission Songs, accompanied by guitar,…

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