Breton feast at the Mother House

On Tuesday, July 7, 2020, a noon meal, unlike any other, brought all the sisters of the Mother House together in the cafeteria which had been transformed into a Breton Crêperie by the staff.  The sisters had decorated the tables in seaside decor and small Breton flags! The spectacular rhythmic entrance of the Bigoudènes, rippling in, set the tone throughout the dance and while the tables were being served.  We were able to admire the creativity of the tailor and the expert hands in haute couture of…

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Stopover in Cancale

A youthful breeze blew among the sisters of Cancale “We are nine Unitary Senior Girl Scouts from France of St. Louise de Marillac. We come from Val de Marne and our adventure began in Mont Saint Michel. We met nuns from the Monastic Fraternities of Jeruasalem; we were able to help them repair the St Aubert chapel and take care of the gardens. After a walk along the bay of the Mount, we walked to St. Broladre and camped on the grounds of the Beatitudes community. We…

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Regional Assembly Cameroon

We, 16 SSCJ out of 18, two sisters are studying, gathered together for a regional assembly from June 19 to 20, 2020. After having marked the solemnity of the Sacred Heart, on June 19, with a Eucharistic celebration with apostolic workers from the zone of Garoua along with a few lay persons, we came together as SSCJ with Father NANI Raymond, Oblate of Mary Immaculate, on Saturday and Sunday. We began by taking time to share and bring together what we had been reflecting on in community. During…

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